1. It costs more than you think to paint a house - let's just say Josh and I doing it ourselves saves almost enough to pay for a sewer grinder pump.
2. Frolic for the basement, was QUITE the choice... what a wild color.
3. My favorite room in the house that we've painted and "updated" is the dining room. No, we don't have a dining table and chairs...
4. The living room is Butternut. Josh's other name for it is baby poop. He's actually very close. Wish I would have thought of it before I purchased the "nonrefundable customized tinted paint". (I still think the color is great on the wall, I just get reminded of it every time I change Charlotte)
5. Closing was awesome. I showed up with a Cashier's Check, and walked out with the Cashier's check, and another check for $600. Somehow we had ZERO in closing costs, and came away with $600. AWESOME.
6. Our house although is not huge, is much bigger than we had before. I love that I "LOSE" the kids. (Well, Everyone except Laila, She's getting into something when she's missing)
7. I mowed my yard for the first time on my riding mower that we included in the contract, it was so fun!! Josh loves that chore - he said he especially enjoys the wind blowing through his hair.
8. We did forget to include the Refridgerator in the contract. So now I am the proud owner of TWO awesome refridgerators. I. Love. It.
9. Pictures are in the works... We are a bit busy, and I just know things will calm down in time for school to start and get more crazy!
10. Building a life together with the one you love, including adventures like unexpected moves and home purchases, is seriously a JOY.
Now, if you REALLY want to have fun, make some sort of trailer for your lawn mower and take the kids for rides on it!
We just barely bought new dining room chairs. Still have our same thrift store table that we love and probably won't get rid of until it's dead, but after 8 years of marriage and 5 years in our house, we now have what looks like a dining room set. It'll happen... eventually. ;)
I look forward to some pictures! The color choices sound fun. Good for you!
So when it's time for us to finally get a house you could really make some money on consulting and teach "how to pay no closing costs." That is outstanding!
I've always wanted to paint my walls the same color as whatever it is the kids smear all over the place. Can they make a can of "finger print" color paint? Maybe in a few years you'll look at your walls and be able to smile knowing that you never HAVE to change a diaper again. I hope you get to settle well and good this time! Enjoy it!
I know you do not know me but I follow your blog and I need your prayres now .........susan
I wish my walls were poop colored
glad your back! Can't wait to see photos of the new place all fixed up Lucy style!
Sounds fun!!! In one of our other houses we had baby poop on our walls too.
Yeah for houses that you can paint!!
Look forward to pictures
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