Today's the day! She arrived in a hurry, I went to the hospital at 6pm she came at 9:30pm... My only entirely drug free birth, I guess I had a tylenol for a headache...
Her name came from Laila Ali - who was on Dancing with the Stars the season before she was born. I thought for sure she was a boy, my biggest surprise!
And Laila has definitely thrown us for a loop! She's the kid we have tried hard to figure out. We still have no idea what's going on with that girl. But she's so fun, and lovable, and beautiful. She has a way with showing love to EVERYONE. Sometimes I wish I could help her more, and wonder if I'm doing enough... but somehow we muddle through.
Laila, today is your day!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday beautiful girl Laila!
ooh we love laila!!!
Happy Birthday! Your girls all look so much alike.
Happy Birthday Laila from Aunt Kim, Uncle Jared, Andy and Rhys!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
Well happy birthday Laila!!! I hope you get lots of cake.. because we all know that cake is what it's all about!! :)
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