Monday, December 15, 2008

Prenatal care, or lack thereof.

There's no denying the glorious roundness of my middle region (or back side for that matter), or the standard pack of tums that has now entered the car, diaper bag, and night stand. If these signs weren't enough perhaps it would be my effervescent personality shining through. I am in fact "with child". I'm sure I will be the lucky "Mary" at the beginning of the family's Christmas skit.

With child number four moms tend to get a little laid back. I mean can you seriously remember all of your children's firsts? Or can you even pay attention to details like what's in their mouth. Here's a recent pooh list for Laila (i.e. things we've discovered she's eaten) rubberband, epoxy sticker, sequins, and I believe there was a bit of tinfoil from a Hershey kiss wrapper. I know, who's responsible for her??? Oh is that me?? I think I just pray harder each time.

Needless to say, my prenatal care with number four, is shall we say, lacking. I've been to the doctor once, and had an ultrasound a second time (not at the same office). I was cleared of previa, and never went back! My sisters who get on my case over things like this say, How's your blood pressure, are you measuring normal, etc. Well I don't exactly know. All I do is pay attention to make sure baby has been moving. Fairly scientific, I know. After a few phone calls today, it's official, I found myself a midwife, about a half an hour away, and am thrilled. We share the same birthday, it was meant to be. She called me after a half hour, to find out my situation, I mean when does a doctor call you??? She gave me a brief lecture over my lack of care, but apologized for the only appt. she had this week, which is a half hour. She's like I know you want my time, but this is what I've got, and I'll meet with you for a little longer at my next appointment. Did she just apologize to me? She's already above the photographer.

Anyway, I told Ann, all I cared was that she would be there for me the last three hours of the pregnancy.

I'm getting a bit anxious, but excited, this little miracle is already full of surprises! So no more lectures, I'm on to every other week appts, if I have to...


Anonymous said...

You know, I totally get the whole lack of consistency with each subsequent child. I can't say I missed too many appointments because my life has always been...oh, shall I say, BORING and so those became the exciting moments. Although, I did have a lot of heart and preterm issues, so I kind of had to go.

I hope you like your midwife...she SOUNDS competent.

Crystal said...

Well, I've been to the doctor, but I have no choice in where I deliver or who delivers me (thanks overseas tricare!) But, when people ask how pregnant I am or when the due date is, I totally have to think about it. I've got too much other stuff going on.

And at least Layla gets all that stuff through her system. XD You're totally a good mom if she doesn't choke on it. :)

becca said...

well good.

Erin said...

I finally found a doctor I was happy with on number four as well! It did make a big difference. I thought the doctor only caught the baby and sewed you up, and the nurses did all the work. But with this last one, I became enlightened as to what a good doctor could do. I could go on and on with the details, but I will spare you. I am really happy that you found her and wish you the best getting through these last couple months. I know how hard it is.

{leah} said...

It makes you thing "What did the pioneers do" while they were with child on the plains?