Sunday, March 08, 2009

I forgot to mention...

Life with four means you take up almost an entire pew at church, there are not enough chairs in a doctors waiting room, you have to know where several primary classes meet, AND I totally have four rolls of fat... one from each kid I'm sure.

By the way, I've totally added the you know whats on the side of this blog, my friend Brandi is rocking the ad revenue... she is a much better writer, with a much bigger following, but hey... maybe I could earn enough to pay someone to buy my house after all. Click if you want, or not!

Well Charlotte is wailing upstairs and my Chocolate Chip cookies are almost out of the oven, so I'm going to go rock, eat, rock, eat, rock... until we're both asleep.


Brandi said...

I've been clicking yours every time I've checked my blog the past 2 days.

By the way, don't worry if when you reach the $10 minimum it still doesn't let you enter your tax and payment info--it took nearly a month before I was able to. They won't pay you until you reach $100 anyway.

But yeah, $100 a month for doing nothing is pretty sweet.

Lucy said...

I'll be lucky to make that much this year! :)

But I do the same thing with your blog...

There was an ad I really was interested in... 1st year birthdays or something!

Anyway, I'm so up for a boob job... I'll have to wait until next Feb. because I'm nursing but I'm totally game for that, we can do it together! :)

Debbie said...

Lucy...I really enjoy reading your posts, and am praying for your house to be sold soon. As for Charlotte not sleeping, I understand completely. I've been there...I've got tips if you need them. J.J. is now nearly 4 and sleeps through the night, not that it took that long, though. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Unknown said...

You ads today are all for church chairs - something from church pew and doctor's office chairs all mixed in. :) I'm clicking away! I hope you got some sleep. Keep the faith!