Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remember my recent Christmas Post?

Well, last year my in laws got the perfect toy for Christmas - literally every age has a blast with them - and I just noticed - QVC is offering them as the Today Special Value.

I'm a QVC junkie I admit it. BUT - if you're looking for the unexpected PERFECT gift - these toys are it! My kids (boy and girl, 3 different ages) and their friends of ALL ages have LOVED these!

Plus you can chalk it up as a learning toy!!



Erin said...

I saw this toy on Jane Bradshaw's blog. She loves that toy. I really want to get it for Ethan. Thanks for the link.

The Galan Family said...

Now I'm really curious what this toy is! The link took me to a cashmere sweater on QVC. I know that can't be the fun learning toy :)

Crystal said...

um, I'm pretty sure you don't mean 2ply cashmere sweaters, so can we get a new link? pretty please? :)