Friday, January 11, 2008

Pediatric Cardiologist

Laila had an appt. with one today because of a heart murmur they detected at her last check up. Thankfully everything came back completely normal. Thank you Heavenly Father again, for the blessing of good health. While there they did an EKG, some of you may have experienced these before, I on the other hand have not. Never even seen one. They tape these tabs all over Laila's body, maybe ten?? And then clip wires to all of them...

I was a little worried about it (We've been waiting a couple of months for the appt.) but when they started clipping the wires to the tabs on my little bare baby, I thought this is not for me. I prayed hard she would be fine< I did not want to hear bad news. I could feel the worry begin, is there something wrong? What could I do if there was? I was regretting not having Josh go with me... Hallie was with me and thankfully she was a destraction. After the tests, we headed into this room: Probably the "Bad News" room, the room where there's carpet, a fluffy exam table, a cozy blanket, a pillow in the chair. I imagine this is the room where the unfortunate few are given the news, the kind that changes things, that changes your plans, the kind of news that throws you for a loop, the unexpected, overwhelming, and the kind that sends you into shock instantiously. Here the doc gave me my good news. The relief set in, and I felt like I was a lucky one, this time. You never know what cards you'll be dealt. Maybe my thoughts are lingering on topics like this because of a talk I have to give based on a talk from General Conference "Live with Faith, not by Fear". Take a peek, maybe it will bring a bit of peace to you!

I have seen the Hand of God in my life today. Have you?


Gwenda said...

Yes, I have, and I do each time I look into the faces of my seven children, especially my twin sons. They were not expected to live, but here they are -- wild, crazy, goofy and full of life! I know that sense of fear, worry, maybe even a bit of panic you must have felt with Laila at the cardiologist. Been there, done that several times and it's NOT fun. How wonderful it is to receive rich blessings from our Father in Heaven!

Unknown said...

Hey, I didn't know something was detected at her last appointment! I am glad that everything came back okay!

becca said...

well written!! so glad all is well!! ps. my friend kelly is bummed you went dark. she's an avid lurker of yours. :)

Des said...

A relief that I can personally say I understand. That is a scary time. I am glad that everything turned out ok. I would have to say Lucy, that it seems your luck is shifting. Maybe I should be hoping for your luck now instead of comparing mine to yours.LOL Actually I know you are just enjoying your blessings you have been given for your previous sacrafices. Ahh the smell of roses.