Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Zumba Anyone?

OH MY WORD!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN? This is the newest, hippest exercise out there!! how did I miss the craze I do not know. But today for my Y time, I decided to "try out the class". Let's just say, I have NEVER in my life seen so many people smiling and exercising at the same time. I mean it was nuts, there's even special shoes for this stuff!! It was so fun, and now I'm so sore!! If you haven't already tried it give it a whirl. Did I mention you burn 500-700 calories in the hour??


Gwenda said...

Never heard of it, but I'd love to give it a try! Maybe you can learn all the ins and out and teach us at a RS activity!

Lori said...

What is it???? Do tell.....

Erin said...

I have been wondering what Zumba is all about. I see classes for it everywhere.