Great Grandparents came to visit. No, Sonia, NOT twins, the baby boy is my nephew. Nice Try, you still owe me $100 bucks.

We celebrated two birthdays.

The Key Lime Pies were fantastic. Megan, I made this recipe, except I needed mini pies, so I just pressed the graham cracker crust into the bottoms of cupcake holders in the pan, baked them, and scooped the filling on top of the crust, and froze.

Colson followed the Savior's Example.

Charlotte Rose was blessed to be happy and helpful. Typical family photo. Hey Becca, could you cut 20 lbs from me, correct Hallie's face, by removing hands, etc... and also Colson needs a smile. Oh yeah, Laila is crying could you take those tears away, too. One more thing, Josh is NOT choking Laila, so could you remove that hand, too. Thanks.
Needless to say, I'm hoping for a calmer March, with A LOT more sleep.
So so busy. :) A good busy though. You guys look great! No photoshop needed.
Looks like we missed a lot of action this weekend! Glad everything went well for you, sorry we missed it! Love you guys!
Awesome!!! Too funny!!
awe!! I am sad we were not there!! Your photos are great! Photoshop can never replace classic family moments. how bout those tears on mom? Congrats to Colson and Im glad that you had some family there to help support you guys!! Love you all!!
Oh, I LOVE that family photo, especially Hallie's face!! LOL!!
Happy Birthday Hallie and Colson! Happy baby blessing and baptism!
Thanks for the recipe link. I will have to try it. Also way to go accomplishing so many church firsts in one week.
Oh my gosh! I had no idea you had so much on your plate at once. Those are all "big" events and all at once with new baby and no sleep would = complete disaster for me! Great job getting through all that. Congrats all around!!! Family picture is perfect. What a better way to remember this season of your life. Man, keep breathing... deep breaths:0
jeez, sorry that pic turned out so bad, I did notice josh choking Laila when I took it, but I didn't notice everyone else, I just kept pushing the button, hoping that maybe just one might have turned out okay. lol!
That is the best family picture ever!! We miss you guys!!
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