Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First day of Second Grade

Finally. I swear we were the last to start!! Colson was off today, and it certainly wasn't as difficult as last year, but still a slight tinge of heartache, as you let some stranger takeover for the better part of his life. Sigh. I hope she's good. I pray for her! I got a scrap layout done today, and watched some kiddos for a friend, made some after school snacks, my kids LIVE for them, so it looks like we're into our groove.

BTW, Laila's a spaghetti fan.


{leah} said...

WOW!!! I'm lucky to get everyone fed and dressed, (and remembering to pick up) let alone do scrap pages while watching kids AND having snacks ready for afterschool....
You ARE amazing!

Sonia said...

Oh my goodness, please tell me Laila remembers me!!! She's too cute! I can't believe Colson started second grade already...tomorrow he'll be 17. Big Xoxxos to everyone! (and a big hello to miss Hallie-bellie).

The Galan Family said...

Ahh the freedom! You seem to find time to scrap even when your kids are home. Colson's teacher looks nice and he looks so handsome. Cute pictures.

Crystal said...

yeah for getting rid of a kid! Am I the only mom that can't wait to get her first kid to school?

Gwenda said...

It was a long wait for us too! We started school Aug. 27th and only go for two days before having a four day weekend! Whose crazy idea was that?!

becca said...

awe cute!!! great photos and I hope Colson has a great year!

Erin said...

I don't think I have ever made an after school snack. I would love your ideas. I usually try to give them fruit because they are hungry enough that they might actually eat something healthy.