Thursday, August 07, 2008


Josh officially starts August 19th. He's super excited, as are we. I'm going to have to get used to him NOT being here, again, how wierd is that?? (He'll be here in the evenings, but we've had a lot of Josh, for a lot of months! :))

Baby News Update:

I measured right on at the Dr. and so my official due date is Feb. 15. No we don't know what we're having, and no we won't find out - WE LOVE THE SURPRISE!!!!!!

We have a slight complication in that my placenta is currently covering my cervix, which may be TMI, sorry... but anyway, at this stage in the pregnancy we'll be hoping for it to move! At the ultrasound at 20 weeks, they will determine if the placenta has or has not moved, and then we'll know if it will be a real concern. There's a few things I can't do for the next six weeks, while we wait, but we feel good, and all should be fine!

We're enjoying time together... and life is good. we continue to thank Heavenly Father for his bounteous blessings.


Gwenda said...

We didn't find out the gender of our babies either. We also like the surprise! However, the ultrasound technician did accidentally tell us the gender of our twins. That's the only time we ever knew what we were having.

becca said...

thanks for the update! I will praying for your placenta to cooperate. :) now can we please see some pictures of your basement???? or the kids, that would be good too.

Brandee said...

I added a day to my guess because I thought surely you must have been exhausted by the time you got home that day...apparently you weren't too tired! :) Rats - one day off! I hope everything looks perfect at your 20 week!

{leah} said...

I had plcenta privia with Tim. I will pray that it moves too! Tim's birth was...intresting, and it all started with my dang placenta.
I commend you for never finding out. I don't like surprises especailly big ones like that. And because you didn't say otherwise... yeah for a health baby!!

The Galan Family said...

Glad everything is going smoothly. Hooray for Josh! And you are just no fun not finding out! No fun for the rest of us that is! You have way more willpower and patience than I do. How many weeks are you by the way? How was Esposito?

Unknown said...

Yeah for surprises!! You know we love the surprise too and we're not planning on finding out with any of our births in the future because it was so great when Eliza was born. Congrats on the job start date and on the progressing pregnancy - I hope your placenta moves! Move along placenta!

Mad Queen said...

Okay, I have been out of it for awhile... congrats on the pregnancy! You go lady. Blessings for getting everything to move in the right direction for a healthy and happy pregnancy. And what is up with surprises... you are officially crazy.