I'm seriously giving myself an ulcer over this election. I find it so disheartening that Americans are missing some KEY issues when it comes to this vote.
1. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER HIS ASSOCIATIONS. A terrorist, a US hater, a PLO spokesperson and others have shaped his views, whether or not he agrees, he sympathizes. Name ONE inappropriate relationship from McCain. ONE.
2. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER THE PROMISES. He's promised the world to the people that don't pay taxes. He can't deliver. It isn't right to TAKE from the rich and give to the poor. You can suggest it, encourage it, but don't FORCE anyone to do it, it breeds an ugly attitude. Aren't we a country that dreams big, if you want more money, dream bigger for yourself, and work harder, where is the pride in what you do, when you are handed something for nothing?
3. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER HIS WORD. He was going to accept Public Financing, and then didn't. He also committed to be a senator for the state of Illinois. I looked up his record. He voted only 45.5% of the time. He didn't help the people of Illinois, by NOT doing the only thing required of him, to vote on legislation.
4. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER HIS EXPERIENCE. He doesn't have any. Nothing, nowhere has he shown what he is capable of. We have nothing. Can I suggest a few people that have "quickly risen to power", o.k. I won't, but it's scary to thing about. How can we trust him? We have no idea who he is or what he stands for.
5. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER HIS IDEAS ON FOREIGN POLICY. Diplomacy with terrorist nations?? I mean these bad guys are wanting him to be president. They're not cheering on McCain, because they're scared of him. No, they want Obama. That is scary.
I absolutely believe the worst case scenario in this election is Obama winning. He's scary and not trustworthy, and dangerous. McCain has his weaknesses no doubt, but at least we know COUNTRY FIRST.
Go Vote, Vote often, and if you're voting for Obama, get sick! Just kidding... I had to lighten the post a little... I am so hoping you're voting educated. Do your research, not on CNN or FOXNEWS. Look for their records, research!!