Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Voice that comes and goes!

In my answer to a prayer, I reported I lost my voice, however, I did gain it back. Only to discover that the louder I yell, the quieter it becomes. Truly Masterful.

1. MY HOUSE - I do not know what to do with it?!?!?!

2. MY NEW TOWN - I'm longing for this place... :)

3. PARENT/TEACHER Conference - Tonight, bleh...

4. MY BABY BUMP - BIGGER AND BIGGER AND you get the picture.

5. MEMORIES BY MAUREEN - Where are the results from my photo shoot, I'm waiting ever so IMPATIENTLY!


Gwenda said...

I'm anxious to see your pictures from your photo shoot as well!

Gwenda said...

I'm anxious to see the pictures from your photo shoot as well!

LNJ said...

About #2, I'm excited to come visit you, it's where The Dave Matthews Band lives. YAY! Then you guys can come visit us in Midland and see "Dubb-ya"!