Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Service worth Giving.

There's an amazing organization out there called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. A photography program for families that lose a little one as early as 25 weeks gestation to 12 months of age(around this time frame). I've known family, friends, and recently a few strangers that have lost a little one, and when I came across the site, I wished I was able to help. So how could I help? I can spread the word. If you know a professional photographer, or graphic artist (sometimes the pictures need delicate retouching), Have them come visit this site and see if they can help, you can also donate funds, to help the organization run. Visiting the website is an unbelievable experience. Maybe there's something you can do to help.



Harmony said...

What an awesome organization! I'm headed over there!

slopsemafamily said...

What an amazing video! It touched home for me when I saw the picture of the little girl and little boy holding the baby. Thanks for posting this!

becca said...

This is a great thing to share Lucy! Thanks for the encouragement and I am considering finding out more how I can help.

Unknown said...

Wow! What an amazing organization and what a touching video. Thanks for sharing the information about this valuable organization.

Lori said...

Ok, I'm done crying now. Is this something YOU would be allowed to do Lucy? I could totally see you being so sensitive to a families' needs, & your photos are BEAUTIFUL. Maren should be doing it too! I really want her to see this.