Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Bump

It's official, I'm pregnant.

Oh, and the good news, all is good. The placenta is 2 cm from the you know what, so I'm good. I get to exercise again, and Josh and I get to have some fun again. Oh, and this means I have to push that little person out. The problem with having kids close together is you remember how painful it was, I resigned myself to thinking that a c-section wouldn't be too bad, I wouldn't have to push!

Anyway, we're both relieved, the baby looks good, everything looks normal. It was very wierd to see my "last" ultrasound. This is a phase I'll miss. But seriously, how lucky are we to have 4 normal pregnancies? We definitely feel blessed. Thanks for the prayers and the fasting.

Now drumroll please.... We are having a....


You'll know when we know. We thrive on the surprise!


Unknown said...

Yeah for a baby! I love the surprise! It's good to hear that everything is going well and that you've got another little baby coming in just a few more months. We can't wait to meet him or her.

Lori said...

Waiting till delivery day: Girl that is the ONLY way to go. I'm sorry if this offends people, but it drives me CRAZY when people say they HAVE to know. They HAVE to get ready. People have NO IDEA what they are missing. The INTENSE feeling of hearing what God just gave you after you have waited 9 months cannot be described, but only experienced.

Sarah said...

you are so mean!

Unknown said...

I don't know how you will do it! I can't stand to be surprised! I am a planner, so that would be hard for me! All power to you and congrats!

{leah} said...

I guess it's better than a litter of kittens. (Hopefully they would be healthy kittens....)I'm glad the baby is healthy, there really isn't much more you can ask than that.

Maybe next time we'll wait and have it a surprise... MAYBE???

Crystal said...

I forgot about you nutty people who like to be surprised. Yay for all going well.

slopsemafamily said...

I thought maybe you had changed your mind about finding out the gender. We are very excited for your family.

Harmony said...

Ah, you totally got me. You stinker. I don't know how you can wait--I don't care what lori says. :-)

LNJ said...

I personally like to know what it is, I know you all like the "Surprise" But, Surprise! There is a human being coming out of your body! That's good enough for me! Anyway, we're glad everything is good, and don't worry, you already did it three times, what's one more? LOL

Gwenda said...

I love the surprise as well! I'm hoping you have a boy, just to even things out!

Emily said...

Congrats! Glad everything is progressing well. I personally predict a.......BOY:)