Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mr. Heath

It's not our anniversary, we're not even fighting, but I just am thinking about him today. 4 days have passed, this is like our Friday, and I just LovE spending time with him.

Here's why:

He's quiet, but witty - Silently in church we are getting Hallie to trace her name, when I look down and see Josh has dotted the following for Hallie to trace: Hallie is a monkey. She had no idea what she was writing, and I was laughing out loud during the rest hymn.

He's brilliant - I can ask him any question, he knows the answer. ANY question. For example My sister and I were talking about where Sarah Palin would live as VP - Do you know the name?? I called up Mr. Heath at work (on threeway)- and he rattled off the answer. It's like my personal wikipedia.

He has a very cool job - he went this week to brief someone at the Pentagon. He was in the part where the plane hit on September 11th. Don't you find it insanely cool, that he spent a year and a half in a desert and another faraway place literally fighting terrorists, to find himself full circle in the very building where it began?

He's subtly sexy - He would laugh at this one, but it's true. He has a look, a way he walks, it's subtle, but I love it.

He's easily unnoticed - He doesn't brag, he doesn't boast, it's not about him, or any acclaim. I've met my fair share of the man that is about the man. No thanks, I'll take my selfless husband over anything else. We have longevity for this quality alone.

He's a father and loves it - last night Laila was in bed before he made it home, she made a few sounds later in the evening, and of course went to get her, he had to see her!

He loves me. I don't even know why. I can seriously be the worst person to live with, I don't make life easy for him, and neither of us expected the things life has brought our way. But for some reason, he stays, he forgives, and blesses our family.

Mr. Heath, I love you. No reason. Just because.


becca said...

awe! I love Josh too! This could be a Personal Ad for the guy! too bad he is taken. ;-) One of my fave things about Josh is when he says something just slightly over his breath, (as opposed to under it) yet you don't here it and its usually poking fun at you! LOL. He does love you and he should and you know we all think he is a saint for putting up with you!

Gwenda said...

Some women have a good man and don't appreciate it, good to know you do!!

Des said...

What a sweet "Just because" those are by far the BEST! I didn't get to know Josh very well but I too think is a pretty cool. I can't wait to get to know if more when it's time for "THE GREAT ESCAPE" ;) Looking forward to it.

Des said...

Oh ya, I forgot to ask if I can use Josh for my personal wikipedia since mine is currently unavailable??

LNJ said...

yeah, that thing he does where he knows every answer to any question, I think he often makes stuff up if he doesn't know the answer. He gets it from our dad! JK, but dad really does do that!