Thursday, October 30, 2008

Poll Question...

I heard this question asked to a group of people on CNN:

Should uninformed people vote?

What do YOU think?


CJ said...

Umm...yes!! It's their boss they are picking! I thin it's funny that that's the group that they asked should be allowed to vote. I'd think the more concerning question should be, "Should dead people be allowed to vote?"

emily g

Amanda said...

I think when it comes to politics we are all uninformed. Politicians don't tell the truth. So even if we've kept up with everything they've said, we still don't know what will happen once they are in office. So I figure if someone wants to go vote and they haven't been following all the debates and such, they've got the same 50/50 chance we do to get the right person! :)

Sarah said...

ooohhh... that's a loaded question. Personally, I say no. I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to, I'm just saying they should think, "you know, I don't know the first thing about who's running. I don't think I'll vote." I think it's more responsible for a person to see that they're not informed and not vote, than pretend they know what they're talking about and vote. Yikes. I hope I don't get hate mail for that one.

CJ said...

ok..i feel STUPID..i read that as 'uniformed'.
Ok, no, i don't think uninformed people should vote. Look how many people are already doing that..haven't voted for years, but something (or someone) is pushing them to do it, and usually not for their own interest or from their own intelligence.
emily g

Monique said...

I agree with Sarah. :) It was so politically correct. People should just be informed before they vote period. If not, it's their right, so do it, but it's just sad.

{leah} said...

No, I don't think stupid people should vote.... There I said it. But that is the beauty of living in America. I dont' think you have to be 100% in the know, but I would hope that people actually think about who they want to vote for before they get to the polls.
it's sad that we put our future in the hands of people who don't even know who the canadits are.
However I love the county that we live in and am thankful to be able to cast my vote. Right of wrong, it's mine. it's the great thing about democracy, and I wouldn't change that.

becca said...

no, stay home that day. who's running again? I forget. (ps. I too read it as uniformed at first too)