I'm sorry. It stinks. 30 days to 30 years. How should I spend the last month of my twenties??? Suggestions Please!
This picture was taken last Easter. Is it wierd that I think I look older?? I mean I was hanging in my "late twenties". Now. well... nevermind.
I told my dad that what I wanted for my birthday was 30 one hundred dollar bills. Anyone game??? I think that would cure me of my midlife crisis. :D
Seriously, though. Today was Easter. Josh read the Easter story last night. We "buried" Christ in the Tomb (aka the piano bench) and discovered this morning that He was resurrected. What a great day, two of my kids sang I know that my Redeemer lives and another primary song in Sacrament meeting. Laila slept great at church. Thanks Josh. And we talked about repentance in Relief Society. It was a much needed reminder of where I should be headed, and what I should be doing. Although turning thirty has seriously thrown me for a loop. I'm surely greatful for my family, and the knowledge of the gospel. What a peaceful feeling, that knowledge brings.
Hope you all had a Happy Easter!!
I turn 30 this year too. Thanks for reminding me. I agree that it is sad to say goodbye to my 20s.
I wasn't bothered by turning 30, but Dale was. Lucky for him I gave birth to our first child on his 30th, so he had a distraction. Maybe that's what you need -- a distraction. Get absorbed in the service of another, forget about the end of your 20's!
Happy Easter! I've heard that your 30's are better than the 20's because you finally know who you are and where you are going. Let me know if that's true...
oh boy. hope your T-day is not depressing. I think the pic is cute!! oh and spend the last month doing crunches everyday!!
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